There are no small parts, only small theatres.

Pop-Up Theatre

designers  Pamela Bethel, Catherine Hahn, Matthew Payne

scenic painter  Carole Klemm

graphic designer (exterior image)  Cynthia Frenette

Bringing the Theatre to the People

This is a 6-seat (plus standing room) venue on the back of a truck.  The theatre pops up all around the City of Victoria at various venues, events and festivals.

The Pop-Up Theatre is a (figurative and literal) vehicle for small batch entertainment, appealing to seasoned theatre-goers as well as less experienced audience members.  It’s pretty easy to convince even the most theatre-shy patron to take a risk on a 5-minute show in such a delightful venue.

I led design of the exterior and interior, working closely with our builders, painters, upholsterers, sign makers and graphic designers. 

The Pop-Up Theatre showcases work that is:

but once we made it into a tiny cinema for the Victoria Film Fest
averaging 7-10mins, but sometimes as short as a hot minute!
so fun